Changing algorithms, automation, and a plethora of new technologies make it difficult for even the most modern of marketers to keep up.
In the race to get ahead, it can be tempting to focus on The Next Big Thing. However, in doing so, it’s important that you don’t overlook the basics.
And that includes the quality of your copy.
Here are 12 simple tips to help you be a better copywriter.
1. Understand your audience
Before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), consider who you’re talking to, and what they want from you.
The more you understand about your audience, the easier it is to write copy that appeals directly to them.
2. Establish your key messages
What will your readers want to know about you? A good copywriter will find out.
Once you know what your target audience needs, establish how you can give it to them. And make sure that everything you write is consistent with, and supportive of these messages.
3. Decide want you want to achieve
Do you want to be seen as a thought-leader?
Are you looking to raise your profile, to build your network, or to sell your services?
Figure out what you want to achieve and then structure your copy to help you do this.
4. Write for humans
No matter how good your SEO strategy is, it’s no use getting visitors to your website if your content turns them off.
Poorly written, dull, and incomprehensible copy will have a negative impact on your business’s bottom line.
So, forget everything you think you know about search engines and keywords, and instead, create the engaging content your readers want.
You can always add any necessary keywords once you’re done.
5. Be human
Use references to your organisation sparingly. People relate to other people, not businesses.
Refer to ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our team’ to create a relationship with your reader.
Write with a specific person in mind, and think about how you would talk to them directly.
6. Find your own voice
Your tone of voice is what you say and how you say it.
The more consistent you are in using your tone of voice, the more likely it is that people will come to recognise, understand, and trust you.
If you don’t already have an agreed tone of voice for your business, a good copywriter can help you establish one.
7. Live your brand
Use words that reflect your brand personality. There’s no point saying you’re down-to-earth if your language is anything but.
8. Make it personal
A big dash of personality makes everything so much easier to understand, and keeps you front of mind. It changes the way you deliver key messages, and it changes the way people think about you.
9. Talk in the language of ‘you’
As proud as you are of your business, your readers are only interested in what you can do for them.
So, rather than talking about your company and what you do, turn this on its head.
Write in the language of ‘you’ and focus on your audience. Write about their wants, their needs, and how you can meet them.
10. Make it emotional
It can be hard to find a human voice for a business. But research shows that empathy builds stronger brand connections, so it’s crucial to elicit an emotional response.
Avoid jargon and acronyms unless they are used as standard by your audience. Just because you understand the internal terminology of your business and industry doesn’t mean everyone else does.
And don’t try and impress by using overly complex words. If no one understands what you’re saying, no one will buy what you’re selling. So write conversationally using everyday words.
Give your readers the information they want in a straightforward and intelligent fashion.
12. And then stop
Edit every sentence removing all but the essential, avoiding unnecessary words. A short sentence is far stronger than a long one. Don’t use two words when one will do. And don’t use a long word where a short one will do.
If this all sounds like too much hassle, you can just hire me
Perhaps you want to give your SEO a bit of a boost. Maybe you need to attract more customers. Or it could be that your marketing needs a little extra sparkle.
For many businesses, it’s simply not feasible to employ a permanent copywriter. But writing everything yourself takes time.
By using my freelance copywriting services, you’ll get business writing of the highest standard without the commitment of hiring a permanent employee.